asset restructuring

Asset restructuring

Asset restructuring involves the optimization of existing corporate and ownership structures to improve efficiency, increase profits and decrease costs – regardless of whether the restructuring will take place for tax or inheritance and estate planning purposes, or simply to make the assets easier to manage.

At Fine Life Limassol, our legal experts carry out all the necessary due diligence, evaluation, project design and quantification of the required investments and improvements in the operation and the integration of existing movable and immovable assets.

Our services include a number of steps:


We provide the client with an international tax advisory plan and custom-made commercial offer – our experts will take into account factors such as: the restructuring process, advice regarding which jurisdiction and which instruments to use, etc.

Our team of highly experienced legal consultants will review and analyse all due diligence reports in order to assess the tax consequences and legal output of the changes made.

Our strategic plans are optimised not just for tax purposes; rather, our focus is on a client-centric approach that considers all aspects of the company and its expenses. For example, if you wish to relocate to Cyprus under non-domiciled tax resident status, we will be able to advise you regarding the various tax exemptions – including for dividend, rental and interest income – that this involves.


We provide services concerning all aspects of asset management and restructuring. If the asset concerned is commercial or residential real estate, we will prepare the corporate structure to own/utilise units and convey in local Land Registry offices.

Restructuring usually takes from 6 to 12 months to be completed.


We guarantee full delivery of what was offered in the commercial offer for the client: that is, tax optimization, increased profits, and decreased costs. And we provide additional administrative and accounting support to ensure the success of the restructuring project.

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